Data with complete information on one source of bias, three known
confounders, and 100,000 observations. This data is used to derive
and can be used to obtain bias parameters for purposes
of validating the simultaneous multi-bias adjustment method with
. With this source data, the fitted regression
g(P(Y=1)) = α0 + α1X + α2C1 + α3C2 + α4C3 + α5U
shows that the true, unbiased exposure-outcome effect estimate = 2 when:
g = logit, Y = Y_bi, and X = X_bi or
g = identity, Y = Y_cont, X = X_cont.
A dataframe with 100,000 rows and 8 columns:
- X_bi
binary exposure, 1 = present and 0 = absent
- X_cont
continuous exposure
- Y_bi
binary outcome corresponding to exposure X_bi, 1 = present and 0 = absent
- Y_cont
continuous outcome corresponding to exposure X_cont
- C1
1st confounder, 1 = present and 0 = absent
- C2
2nd confounder, 1 = present and 0 = absent
- C3
3rd confounder, 1 = present and 0 = absent
- U
uncontrolled confounder, 1 = present and 0 = absent